Saturday, May 29, 2010

and oh...

i did a few things today that made me feel light, and a bit glad. 
refresher: been slacking on the financial side of life for the past few years that i'm worth all the trouble i'm facing now. credit card bills, tuition fees, monthly amortizations eating up on my pay, and my self-esteem. 
but today, i listed everything. everything is clear now. i made a physical note of all things, not a mental one. mental notes make it easy for me to forget, as yes, i do lots of things. and so, i gave justice to the notebook i bought two months ago. it has now been appointed as my health book. yes, financial and physical health, that is. because, if both aspects of my life are doing fabulous, i can become a better wife, mom, friend, a more beautiful being.
so there you go. i'm aiming to work with this new(ly revised) system of mine. i'm committing to not fall into the trap of commercialism. buy what is needed. use cash. pay payables with interests. be mindful of your purchases. every peso counts.
i had been so positively charged today. i hope it's not because of some good deal i had this morning? well, i got three little bags for only 19 pesos each. these bags will make as good makeup brush bags of some sort. i can use them when i become pro in doing makeup. 
say, when i get a good deal, i feel so positive that i can do lots of things. things that do not make it to my top 5 things-to-do on a daily basis. whew. even now, this is a bit odd, typing away. but then again, i promised myself to write more. 
so there goes my first entry.


i know i need to write all these ideas that keep on popping everyday. no, i'm not talking about theories in physics, or visions to change the world, neither will i be blogging like someone who only thrives in his/her virtual world and have no real, physical friends to talk to. i actually have lots of people around to share my musings to. it's just that i have to write.  

and today, this challenge starts. i actually deleted a couple of blogs that i really can't afford to maintain, or blogs of activities/hobbies that i can't maintain, or continue doing for a while. it was sad, coming into a decision to stop doing things you have so thought about for a while. but i have to give them up because i'm not superwoman. i'm just a wife, a mom, a technical writer, a commuter, a makeup enthusiast, someone who finds joy in drawing, a 70%-listener and 30%-talker in most of my conversations, a friend, a critic, health/wellness advocate, loves music (i know one person who doesn't), etc etc. 

a challenge, indeed, huh?