Wednesday, February 9, 2011

some reason why a 25-yr old school never made it big

my son, who is now 5, is currently enrolled in a learning center near our community. he's been going to that school since he was 3, and currently, we are already looking for a bigger school for him come June, when he's in grade 1. i never realized this until i talked with my son about his conversations with one of his teachers. he once told his teacher about our intention to transfer to another school, and oh, how i wanted to write a letter to them to express my disappointment. we were about to take an entrance exam at one candidate school, and it seems my son is upset and he looks like he's been brainwashed.

my son: mommy, my teacher says it's not allowed for kids to transfer to another school.
me (calling from work, a little stressed): of course we need to transfer to a bigger school since you're a big boy now. that school has a soccer field (i need to find some reason to interest him).
my son: no. teacher said it's not allowed. i'm not taking the test.
me: honey, we are not transferring right away. That's in June.

my son: i'm not taking the test. (really upset now, and hang up the phone) 

geez. what in the world are those teachers thinking? are they trying to keep the student count by bullying kids? i bet they do. just tonight, as me and my son are having dinner, he told me he needs to use again that bag the school INSISTS they use. that bag (the third one he had), was just as horrible as the first and second one. the school had some supplier make bags for them at probably a dirt cheap price that the bags don't seem to last two month. i always sort to buying my son a more durable one after two or three months from start of school year. at first, i thought my son is just not careful enough in handling his things, but no. i've talked with several parents, and they experience the same thing - horrible-quality bags --- forced by the school for kids to use --- maybe so that parents keep on buying and buying (at least once every two months, ugh!). and believe me, they're unreasonably priced.

now i know why this school had never become bigger or better after 25 years in the industry. yes, they've been here that long. and most probably, the attitude the staff are showing is dragging them down. TSK.

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